It was +5 f. degrees Sunday. At church Lubov, who speaks English, cheerfully announced, "It's warm today! But tomorrow it will be cold again." Our -25 temperatures make us appreciate a balmy +5.
Inside homes, stores, missionary apartments, and our office it's plenty warm. We mostly work in shirt-sleeves. Missionaries dress to be warm enough when they're out in -20f. (with wind) and still be comfortable inside at +72 degrees on any given day. Layering is the answer!
Sister Allcott took winter pictures of all the zones; Yekat Zone here.
Everything is relevant! Glad you can be so warm in your office and apartment.
Thanks for showing your huge mission area. Very interesting. I had no idea it was so expansive.
Thanks for sharing the picture. It is good to see those missionaries we love and know. Tell them "HELLO"! Seems like we were there just last week. Can't believe your time is winding up--doesn't it go fast? Your experience will stay with you forever.
We are grateful for the chance to just be at 14 degrees!! that is really warm if you ask Lubov, right?
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